Bug #617
Search results sometimes produce broken links to works
Some search results are not accessible since the verse marker is not recognized.
Steps to reproduce:
- Go to Genesis 1 in the LXX (http://textcritical.net/work/lxx/Genesis/1)
- Click "οὐρανὸν" to do a search in the LXX
- Click search result for Esther 4:17c: note that link fails
Associated revisions
Fixed issue where the content search didn't make the indexes correctly. Reference #617.
Fixed issue where the content search didn't make the indexes correctly. Reference #617.
Fixed issue where the content search didn't make the indexes correctly. Reference #617.
Fixed issue where importing of LXX failed to account for the presence of two versions of Esther. Closes #617.
Fixed issue where importing of LXX failed to account for the presence of two versions of Esther. Closes #617.
Fixed issue where importing of LXX failed to account for the presence of two versions of Esther. Closes #617.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
There are two versions of Esther in the LXX. The second instance has the same name as the first which generates confusion. I suspect this is why the references are failing.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
The problem is that there are two Esther's:
select * from reader_division where title = "Esther"
The solution is to change the title of the second Esther to something like "Esther (Greek)":
update reader_division set title_slug="esther-greek", descriptor="Esther-Greek" where id = 31318
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
This indeed fixed the problem. Now I need to update the searches indicies.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
Reimporting with:
python manage.py import_unbound_bible -f ../var/resources/Unbound_Bible/lxx_a_accents/lxx_a_accents_utf8.txt
This was done after deleting the LXX:
delete from reader_work where title_slug = "lxx" delete from reader_workalias where title_slug = "lxx"
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
The existing index for LXX was deleted using:
from reader.contentsearch import WorkIndexer from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser inx = WorkIndexer.get_index() parser = QueryParser("content", inx.schema) inx.delete_by_query(parser.parse(u'work:lxx')) writer = inx.writer() writer.commit(optimize=True)
The indexes were rebuilt using:
python manage.py make_search_indexes -w lxx
from reader.models import Work from reader.contentsearch import WorkIndexer works = Work.objects.filter(title_slug="lxx") work = works[0] WorkIndexer.index_work(work)
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset r488.