


Dependencies » History » Version 10

Luke Murphey, 09/03/2012 08:44 AM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h1. Dependencies
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3 1 Luke Murphey
Below is information on software that depends on as well as the languages used to implement
4 1 Luke Murphey
5 1 Luke Murphey
| *Resource*                                                              | *Purpose*                                        | *Version* | *License* |
6 7 Luke Murphey
| "HTML 5 Boilerplate": | HTML template                                 |  3.0.2      |  "Various": |
7 7 Luke Murphey
| "Zurb Foundation":     | Responsive HTML framework            | 3.0.9          | "MIT": |
8 1 Luke Murphey
| "Django":                    | Web framework                                | 1.4          | "MIT": |
9 1 Luke Murphey
| "CherryPy":                      | HTTP server                                     | 3.2.0       | "BSD": |
10 1 Luke Murphey
| "jQuery":                                    | Javascript UI                                    | 1.7.2         | "MIT": |
11 1 Luke Murphey
| "jQuery UI":                             | Forms helpers                                 | 1.8.22        | "MIT": |
12 3 Luke Murphey
| "Selectivizr":                         | IE 6-8 CSS3 selectors                      | 1.0.2        | "MIT": |
13 1 Luke Murphey
|"Modernizr":                         | HTML 5 compatibility detection       | 2.6.1        | "BSD and MIT": |
14 6 Luke Murphey
|"REQUIRE.JS":                         | Javascript module loader       | 2.0.6        | "BSD and MIT": |
15 10 Luke Murphey
|"DataTables.js":                         | jQuery plugin for displaying tables | 1.9.3        | "BSD and GPL v2": |
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17 1 Luke Murphey
h2. Build Requirements
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19 2 Luke Murphey
|*Library*  |*Purpose*  |*Version*       |*License*|
20 5 Luke Murphey
|"SvnAnt":     | Ant SVN integration       | 1.2.1   | MIT                |
21 5 Luke Murphey
|"JRuby":                        | JRuby (for running SASS)  | | CPL, GPL, and LGPL |
22 8 Luke Murphey
|"SASS":       | Stylesheet processing     | 3.2.1   | MIT                |