


Dependencies » History » Version 19

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Luke Murphey, 09/23/2012 03:32 AM


Below is information on software that depends on:

Resource Purpose Version License
HTML 5 Boilerplate HTML template 4.0.0 Various
Twitter Bootstrap Responsive HTML framework 2.2.1 APL v2
Django Web framework 1.4 MIT
CherryPy HTTP server 3.2.0 BSD
jQuery Javascript UI 1.8.1 MIT
jQuery UI Forms helpers 1.8.22 MIT
Selectivizr IE 6-8 CSS3 selectors 1.0.2 MIT
Modernizr HTML 5 compatibility detection 2.6.1 BSD and MIT
REQUIRE.JS Javascript module loader 2.0.6 BSD and MIT
DataTables.js jQuery plugin for displaying tables 1.9.3 BSD and GPL v2
jQueryUI Bootsrap jQueryUI Bootstrap Theme 0.2.3 Unknown
Grappelli Customized Django Admin 2.4.0 Custom
store.js Local storage API 3.1.2 MIT

Build Requirements

Below are the requirements for building

Library Purpose Version License
SvnAnt Ant SVN integration 1.2.1 MIT
JRuby JRuby (for running SASS) CPL, GPL, and LGPL
SASS Stylesheet processing 3.2.1 MIT
"YUI Compressor: CSS and Javascript minification 2.4.7 MPL 1.1 and GPL 2.0