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Luke Murphey, 06/15/2019 08:07 PM

Creating Search Indexes

The search functionality will not work until the search indexes are created. These take a long time to create and also take a lot of disk space (which is why I don't include them in the Docker image). See below for how to create the indexes.

Creating them in the UI (for each work)

  1. Start by logging into the administration UI (i.e. The username and password for the Docker image is admin/changeme.
  2. Select "Works"
  3. Select the work you want to create the search indexes for
  4. Click the action dropdown at the bottom of the page and select "Make search indexes"

The process make take a while, especially for large works.

Creating them from the command-line (and for all works)

You can also create the search indexes from the command-line. You can do this to create indexes for all works. This will take a great deal of time (like all night).

To do this, go to where the code for the project is stored and run the make_search_indexes command:

python make_search_indexes -c

Copying existing indexes

You can copy in an existing set of indexes into an instance by placing the indexes directory into the app's var directory.

Precreated indexes are available here:

For a Docker image, you can use the "cp" command to send the

1. Start the docker image and get the container ID

Start the docker image with the following command:

docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080/tcp textcritical:latest

This command will output a long string which is the container ID; something like "b2749ed9678ec7b7de018ce6e2af56345fda626d7759c889d0bf8ba1ec91cc4b". You will need for the next step.

If the image is already running, then run the following to get the ID:

docker ps

This will output something like the following; in this case the ID is "b2749ed9678e":

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
b2749ed9678e        textcritical:latest              "/usr/src/app/run_se…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>8080/tcp   dazzling_thompson

2. Copy in the indexes directory

Run the "docker cp" command from the same directory where you extracted the indexes directory. Below is an example for a docker image with an ID of "b2749ed9678e" (substitute this for the ID you got from the previous step):

docker cp indexes b2749ed9678e:/usr/src/app/var/indexes

3. Verify the indexes exist

You can verify the indexes exist by running a shell against the host like this:

docker exec -it b2749ed9678ec7b7de018ce6e2af56345fda626d7759c889d0bf8ba1ec91cc4b /bin/sh -c "[ -e /bin/bash ] && /bin/bash || /bin/sh" 

Then run the following command:

ls /usr/src/app/var/indexes

This ought to output something like:

MAIN_WRITELOCK  MAIN_pu71dfydzgq68p18.seg  _MAIN_3.toc

making_indexes.gif View (2.8 MB) Luke Murphey, 06/11/2019 04:56 PM